Helping You Find the Clarity You Need

Don't let confusion or overwhelm keep you from growing your business.
Dan Woerheide

Get Clarity for Your Business

Do you struggle with finding clarity in your business, your website, or your marketing?

Can’t align your ideas with your “marketing” in a way that makes it clear and easy to understand?

It should be easier to translate your ideas into the words and messages you use in your business and your marketing reach more customers. 

In these sessions we'll work together to clarify:


  • Your goals
  • Mission and values
  • Your projects
  • Identifying your audience
  • Deciding what product or service to focus on
  • Identifying the problems you solve
  • How to communicate about those problems
  • Creating a clear path for a client to work with you
  • What marketing approach is best for you

...and much more



Clarity is only a step away...

  • Schedule Your Clarity Session

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  • Gain the Insights You Need

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  • Enhance Your Business and Your Marketing

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What's Included In Your Clarity Session:

I was in your shoes

I got into marketing just a few years ago because I realized I had the skills and knowledge to help people, but I didn’t have a clue how to market my business in a way that wasn’t sleazy or salesy. 

I wanted to make personal connections and let people know that I was there to help.

Then I shifted gears. I saw the need of others in business who felt the same way. But I noticed a bigger problem, most agencies and services out there can do excellent work, but they lack the expertise to help you get clear on what you offer and translate those same ideas into meaningful marketing. That’s when I began learning everything I could about story based marketing, through the StoryBrand Guide Training, copywriting courses and other tools and resources that would be beneficial to ensuring anyone I partnered with wouldn't feel the same way I did. 

Now I help entrepreneurs and business leaders gain the clarity they need in order to communicate effectively, engage the right audience, and grow their business.


Clarity Session

$297 $197/ea
  • 90-minute virtual session
  • Recording
  • Written action plan
  • Clarity in your business and your marketing
  • Flexible scheduling
  • 6-months free membership access

3x Clarity Sessions

$799 $499
  • 3x 90-minute virtual sessions
  • Recordings
  • Written action plan
  • Clarity in your business and your marketing
  • Flexible scheduling
  • Email follow up
  • Membership community