My name is Dan Woerheide (war-heide-e) and I'm so glad you're here. ​

Dan Woerheide
My passion is helping people find clarity. I love to guide others through the process of identifying and breaking through the barriers that are holding them back, that are keeping them from moving forward to the business and life they want and truly love. My goal or mission is also the tagline of my business – to “help more people better”.
I know what it’s like to be in a place of confusion and uncertainty. When I first started exploring my curiosity for business, I didn’t know what that looked like exactly. I found myself scouring bookstore shelves for ideas, opportunities and education on starting a business. I had zero clue what I was looking for or what my next step might be.

I kept trying though. I read all the books and took all the courses. I took action on 

what I learned, but it was hard. It seemed overwhelming and it was hard to put together the pieces of all the things I was learning. The hardest part was identifying the “thing” that was a good fit for me, my talents and abilities. It took me years to hone in on what it is I wanted to do and create a plan to make it happen.

I finally found the answers I was looking for and now I love helping others find the same clarity for themselves. I combine my past experiences, which include being a career intelligence analyst in the Army, StoryBrand guide, and Master Resilience Trainer, with my passion for giving others inspiration, clarity, and simple action steps to move forward. Now I help people save the time, frustration, and uncertainty that I experienced in finding the work I love. My greatest joy is when people share the results and meaning they find in their lives through our work together. 

On a personal note, I am the proud father of two amazing women. I love the work I do and am learning to be a better person every day. I’m rediscovering my love for the outdoors, after living someone else’s purpose for far too long. I enjoy most anything and everything outdoors, especially if it involves the beach or is near the water. Hunting, fishing, hiking, nature trails – I’m there. Oh, and I’m still determined to learn how to surf…